This genome was sequenced as part of the JGI CSP "1000
Fungal Genomes – Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant
Dikarya" project. Within the framework of this project, we are
sequencing keystone lineages of saprophytic, mycorrhizal, and
endophytic fungi that are of special ecological importance. Dozens
of sequenced species were harvested from Long Term Observatories to
serve as the foundation for a reference database for metagenomics
of fungi and for a comprehensive survey of the soil fungal
Boreostereum radiatum is the type species of the genus
Boreostereum. It produces brown, effused, hard basidiomes
on conifer trunks in boreal and north temperate regions of Eurasia
and North America. In Europe the species has a continental
distribution. Hyphae are simple septate like in outwardly similar
Veluticeps spp., the closest relatives of B.
radiatum (for example, Veluticeps
Boreostereum radiatum belongs to the order Gloeophyllales
(Basidiomycotina), and appears to be the earliest diverging,
sequenced species in the order (Garcia-Sandoval et al. 2011).
Gloeophyllales includes only wood-decaying brown-rot fungi, some of
them used as model organisms in studying chemistry behind
brown-rot. However, the rot type of B. radiatum is unclear
– some authors have considered it a white-rot fungus (Martin
and Gilbertson 1980) while others viewed it as a possible
brown-rotter (Chamuris 1988). Genome sequence will shed light on
its type of rot and offers a point of comparison for other,
brown-rot Gloeophyllales species that have been genome-sequenced
already. Being an early diverging member of the order, the genome
will help placing the order within the Agaricomycetes family
The 1KFG project is a large collaborative effort aiming for master
publication(s). Please do contact the PI for 1KFG - Deep Sequencing
of Ecologically-relevant Dikarya (Dr. Francis Martin) for
permission prior to the use of any data in publications.
- Chamuris GP (1988) The non-stipitate steroid fungi in the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada. Mycologia Memoirs 14:1-247
- Garcia-Sandoval R, Wang Z, Binder M, Hibbett DS (2011) Molecular phylogenetics of the Gloeophyllales and relative ages of clades of Agaricomycotina producing a brown rot. Mycologia 103 (3):510-524. doi:10.3852/10-209
- Martin KJ, Gilbertson RL (1980) Synopsis of wood rotting-fungi on spruce in North America 3. Mycotaxon 10 (2):479-501