This copy of the genome of Debaryomyces hansenii strain
CBS767 was obtained from Génolevures
[Release Version: 2012/02/09]. Génolevures is a large-scale
comparative genomics project between Saccharomyces
cerevisiae and other yeast species representative of the
various branches of the Hemiascomycetous class and provides
annotated sequence data and classifications for the genomes of
eighteen species of hemiascomycete yeasts.
In order to allow comparative analyses with other fungal genomes
sequenced by the Joint Genome Institute, a copy of this genome is
incorporated into MycoCosm.
Debaryomyces hansenii is a cryotolerant (frost
resistant), osmotolerance (pressure change tolerant) and
halotolerant (salt tolerant) marine yeast which can tolerate
salinity levels up to 24%. It is the most common species of yeast
found in all types of cheeses and is common in dairies and in brine
because it is able to grow in the presence of salt at low
temperature and to metabolise lactic and citric acids. Although
D. hansenii is normally considered as non-pathogenic, it
is related to yeasts that cause disease, including Candida
D. hansenii is a homothallic yeast with an essentially
haplontic life cycle and only one mating-type locus. Mating is
relatively rare and somatogamous autogamy forms asci containing
generally a single spore.
Genome Reference(s)
Sacerdot C, Casaregola S, Lafontaine I, Tekaia F, Dujon B, Ozier-Kalogeropoulos O
Promiscuous DNA in the nuclear genomes of hemiascomycetous yeasts.
FEMS Yeast Res. 2008 Sep;8(6):846-57. doi: 10.1111/j.1567-1364.2008.00409.x
Dujon B, Sherman D, Fischer G, Durrens P, Casaregola S, Lafontaine I, De Montigny J, Marck C, Neuvéglise C, Talla E, Goffard N, Frangeul L, Aigle M, Anthouard V, Babour A, Barbe V, Barnay S, Blanchin S, Beckerich JM, Beyne E, Bleykasten C, Boisramé A, Boyer J, Cattolico L, Confanioleri F, De Daruvar A, Despons L, Fabre E, Fairhead C, Ferry-Dumazet H, Groppi A, Hantraye F, Hennequin C, Jauniaux N, Joyet P, Kachouri R, Kerrest A, Koszul R, Lemaire M, Lesur I, Ma L, Muller H, Nicaud JM, Nikolski M, Oztas S, Ozier-Kalogeropoulos O, Pellenz S, Potier S, Richard GF, Straub ML, Suleau A, Swennen D, Tekaia F, Wésolowski-Louvel M, Westhof E, Wirth B, Zeniou-Meyer M, Zivanovic I, Bolotin-Fukuhara M, Thierry A, Bouchier C, Caudron B, Scarpelli C, Gaillardin C, Weissenbach J, Wincker P, Souciet JL
Genome evolution in yeasts.
Nature. 2004 Jul 1;430(6995):35-44. doi: 10.1038/nature02579