The genome sequence and gene predictions of Fibroporia radiculosa were not determined by the JGI, but were downloaded from NCBI and have been published (Juliet D. Tang et al., 2012). Please note that this copy of the genome is not maintained by the author and is therefore not automatically updated.
F. radiculosa is a brown rot fungus that has been documented to cause a premature failure of wooden stakes treated with copper-based wood preservatives in the field. Species of brown rot fungi that show copper tolerance in laboratory tests include F. radiculosa, Postia placenta, and Fomitopsis palustris, and all three can secrete high levels of oxalate. Oxalate is believed to confer metal tolerance to fungi because it chelates metal to form insoluble metal oxalate crystals. A related species, Serpula lacrymans, causes a specialized form of brown rot decay called dry rot. It is less copper tolerant and secretes lower levels of oxalate. Because the majority of wood preservatives are copper based, an understanding of the mechanisms of copper tolerance has become a priority for research in wood protection. Brown rot fungi are also aggressive decomposers of wood. Their particular mode of attack, however, is selective. They work around the lignin, targeting the rapid deconstruction and utilization of hemicellulose and cellulose. Since each cellulose molecule in wood is comprised of an average of 10,000 glucose units, the biochemical mechanisms involved in brown rot decay may have potential application for biofuel production.
Genome Reference(s)
Tang JD, Perkins AD, Sonstegard TS, Schroeder SG, Burgess SC, Diehl SV
Short-read sequencing for genomic analysis of the brown rot fungus Fibroporia radiculosa.
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2012 Apr;78(7):2272-81. doi: 10.1128/AEM.06745-11