This genome was sequenced as a part of the large-scale multi-genome JGI CSP Saprotrophic Agaricomycotina Project (SAP), which focuses on the diversity and evolution of decay mechanisms, organismal phylogenetic relationships, and developmental evolution. A large collaborative effort led by PI of this project, David Hibbett (Clark University) aims for master publication(s) of the SAP data analysis. Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from unpublished SAP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate other publications with the SAP master paper(s).
Gloeophyllum trabeum is a brown rot fungus that has long been considered to belong to the Polyporales, but is now recognized as a member of the recently established order Gloeophyllales. Brown rot fungi have evolved multiple times independently in several lineages of the Basidiomycota, one origin is found in the Gloeophyllales. This small order of Agaricomycetes contains members displaying a high diversity in fruiting body forms. The ability of brown rotters to depolymerize cellulose and hemicellulose without removing the lignin barrier is considered a useful trait for improving the feedstock quality in biofuel production. Initial reports indicate that hydroxyl radical generation via a hydroquinone driven Fenton chemistry and secretion of low-molecular weight peptides are part of the mechanism employed by G. trabeum. The whole genome sequence of G. trabeum will be the first to represent the Gloeophyllales. It would be particularly informative to compare the genome of G. trabeum with two other sequenced brown rot species, Postia placenta and Serpula lacrymans, to elucidate the mechanisms of brown rot decay as each of them represents an independent branch of brown rot fungi. Thus, the genome of G. trabeum is expected to further research efforts in support of the DOE mission to strengthen innovative approaches in the quest for sustainable and affordable biofuel production.
Genome Reference(s)
Floudas D, Binder M, Riley R, Barry K, Blanchette RA, Henrissat B, MartÃnez AT, Otillar R, Spatafora JW, Yadav JS, Aerts A, Benoit I, Boyd A, Carlson A, Copeland A, Coutinho PM, de Vries RP, Ferreira P, Findley K, Foster B, Gaskell J, Glotzer D, Górecki P, Heitman J, Hesse C, Hori C, Igarashi K, Jurgens JA, Kallen N, Kersten P, Kohler A, Kües U, Kumar TK, Kuo A, LaButti K, Larrondo LF, Lindquist E, Ling A, Lombard V, Lucas S, Lundell T, Martin R, McLaughlin DJ, Morgenstern I, Morin E, Murat C, Nagy LG, Nolan M, Ohm RA, Patyshakuliyeva A, Rokas A, Ruiz-Dueñas FJ, Sabat G, Salamov A, Samejima M, Schmutz J, Slot JC, St John F, Stenlid J, Sun H, Sun S, Syed K, Tsang A, Wiebenga A, Young D, Pisabarro A, Eastwood DC, Martin F, Cullen D, Grigoriev IV, Hibbett DS
The Paleozoic origin of enzymatic lignin decomposition reconstructed from 31 fungal genomes.
Science. 2012 Jun 29;336(6089):1715-9. doi: 10.1126/science.1221748
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