Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides PMI_453 (1113377)
Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides is ascomycete in the order Helotiales. Most Hymenoscyphus species are saprobic and often found producing small apothecia (cups) on wood substrates; however many species in this group can also be frequently isolated as plant endophytes. Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides PMI_453 was isolated as an endophytic fungus from living roots of Populus trichocarpa1. When grown on PDA, colonies are white but soon turn dark in color. The asexual stage (anamorph) is known as Tricladium. Several of the Hymenoscyphus species have been described as aquatic hyphomycetes, but also many of them have been reported as root endophytes2,3. The Hymenoscyphus and Cudoniella form a clade in the helotiales, being one of the largest within the Helotiales (Leotiomycetes).
This research is supported by the Genomic Science Program (U.S. Department of Energy) Plant Microbe Interfaces (PMI) Scientific Focus Area (http://pmi.ornl.gov) and by the Joint Genome Institute (U.S. Department of Energy) through their Community Sequencing Program (CSP 1974, 1KFG: Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant Dikarya, F. Martin PI).
who wish to publish analyses using data from unpublished 1KFG
genomes are respectfully required to contact the PIs and JGI to
avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate other
publications with the 1KFG master paper(s).
Bonito, G., Hameed, K., Ventura, R. & Krishnan, J. Isolating a functionally relevant guild of fungi from the root microbiome of Populus. Fungal Ecology (2016).
Sivichai, S., Jones, E. B. G. & Hywel-Jones, N. L. Lignicolous freshwater Ascomycota from Thailand: Hymenoscyphus varicosporoides and its Tricladium anamorph. Mycologia 95, 340–346 (2003).
Baschien, C., Tsui, C. K. M., Gulis, V., Szewzyk, U., & Marvanová, L. (2013). The molecular phylogeny of aquatic hyphomycetes with affinity to the Leotiomycetes. Fungal biology, 117(9), 660-672.