In the “1KFG: Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant
Dikarya” project (CSP1974), we aim to sequence additional
sampling of genomic diversity within keystone lineages of
plant-interacting fungi and saprophytic fungi that are of special
ecological importance for understanding terrestrial ecosystems. In
addition, comparative genome analysis with saprotrophic,
mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi will provide new insights into the
specific and conserved adaptations associated with each fungal
Intextomyces contiguus
Intextomyces contiguus is a corticioid fungus with white,
effused fruiting bodies. Although it has been reported from various
tree species, it is typically found on bark of living or recently
dead, old willow trees in old-growth forests (Eriksson &
Ryvarden 1976). The species has a northern distribution in Europe,
and is widely distributed in boreal Eurasia and North America. Due
to habitat loss it has been classified as Near Threatened (NT) in
the national Red Lists of Finland and Norway.
Intextomyces contiguus is the type species of the genus
Intextomyces. The genus belongs to the class
Agaricomycetes, but which order within that class is unclear, since
it has no close relatives. The genome will help to classify it
properly and to resolve phylogenetic relationships within the
Agaricomycetes more broadly. The genome will also help to answer if
this species is a wood decomposer - it evidently has saprotrophic
ability, but it is unclear if it degrades wood or just bark or if
it is parasitic.
The genome was produced from a polysporic culture originating in
Kainuu, Central Finland, where the fungus grew on living goat
willow (Salix caprea) in an old-growth forest.
Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from
unpublished CSP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI
and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate
other publications with the CSP master paper(s).
- Eriksson J, Ryvarden L (1976) The Corticiaceae of North Europe 4. Hyphodermella-Mycoacia. Fungiflora, Oslo