The image depicts cells of Komagataella phaffii grown on YPD (Yeast
Extract Peptone Dextrose) media for two days following incubation
at 25°C. The cells show a range of shapes from spherical to
ovoid and appear either as single cells or in pairs. The colony
growth is white, with a smooth, semi-glistening surface. Photo
Credits: The photo was taken using a Zeiss Axiovert 200M inverted
microscope at 100X magnification by Sujit S. Jagtap at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Komagataella phaffii is a Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) methylotrophic yeast that is highly efficient at assimilating methanol as its sole carbon and energy source. It is also resistant to high methanol and glycerol concentrations, extreme pH levels, and lignocellulosic inhibitors. K. phaffii has the ability to secrete large amounts of protein and perform diverse post-translational modifications. Its use of methanol as a non-food C1 feedstock makes it an eco-friendly option for bio-manufacturing processes.