Image Credit: Lee Miller, University of Missouri, Bugwood.org.
The genome of Magnaporthiopsis poae was sequenced by the Broad Institute. In order to allow comparative analyses with other fungi, a copy of this genome was imported into MycoCosm.
Magnaporthiopsis poae (Kentucky bluegrass fungus),
synonym Magnaporthe poae, causes “summer
patch” of Poa species, creeping bentgrass, and
fine-leaved fescues. It is considered one of the most
important diseases on turfgrass in North America. The pathogen was
first identified in 1984 and can decimate lawns and athletic
Traditionally, M. poae is associated with Kentucky
bluegrass fairways, athletic fields and home lawns.
Magnaporthe is a significant problem on annual bluegrass
putting greens in the Northeast U.S as well. Recently, it has
been reported as a pathogen of creeping bentgrass (Agrostis
stolonifera) in North Carolina in 2005. M.
poae’s geographic distribution ranges from the New
England states to as far south as North Carolina and as far west as
M. poae produces sexual structures (perithecia, asci and
ascospores) that clearly place it with Magnaporthe.
However, unlike other Magnaporthe species such as M.
salvinii, M. grisea and M. oryzae, which
have Pyricularia anamorphs (forms that produce asexual
spores) bearing spores sympodially on conidiophores, the M.
poae anamorph has Phialophora like spores borne on
phialides, in much the same manner as Gaeumannomyces. As
such, M. poae, along with M. rhizophila, seems to
represent a phylogenetic bridge between the Magnaporthe:
Pyricularia and
Gaeumannomyces:Phialophora groups.
Genome Reference(s)
Okagaki LH, Nunes CC, Sailsbery J, Clay B, Brown D, John T, Oh Y, Young N, Fitzgerald M, Haas BJ, Zeng Q, Young S, Adiconis X, Fan L, Levin JZ, Mitchell TK, Okubara PA, Farman ML, Kohn LM, Birren B, Ma LJ, Dean RA
Genome Sequences of Three Phytopathogenic Species of the Magnaporthaceae Family of Fungi.
G3 (Bethesda). 2015 Sep 28;5(12):2539-45. doi: 10.1534/g3.115.020057