Image Credit: Kathryn Bushley
Within the framework of JGI "Community Sequencing Project: Defensive Mutualism of Fungal Root Endophytes of Soybean" CSP project, we are investigating the potential role of fungal endophytes isolated from soybean roots in protecting the plant from two devastating root plant pathogens: 1) the root rot fungus causing Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (Fusarium virguliforme) and 2) the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines). These fungi were screened for either anti-fungal or anti-nematode activity in-vitro and genome, transcriptome, and metabolome sequencing will address possible mechanisms of antagonism against these pathogens.
Metacordyceps chlamydosporia (Syn. Pochonia chlamydosporia), groups in the family Clavicipitaceae (Hypocreales; Sordariomycetes; Ascomycota) [1]. This family includes invertebrate pathogens (Metarhizium sp.) that are endophytes of plant roots, including M. chlamydosporia [2]. First isolated from nematode eggs in a field infested with the cereal cyst-nematode Heterodera avenae, it is an effective egg-parasite of other cyst and root-knot nematodes used for biological control [3]. M. chlamydosporia can also colonize plant roots endophytically and has plant growth promoting properties [4-6]. M. chlamydosporia has become something of a model for the study of fungal-nematode and fungal-plant interactions, with genomes of several isolates available [7, 8]. It is also known to produce various natural products [9, 10], including the yellow pigment aurovertin showing bioactivity against nematodes [11]. This strain, isolated from a soybean root produced filtrates that showed toxicity to the soybean cyst nematode.
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- Manzanilla-López, R.H., I. Esteves, and J. Devonshire, Biology and Management of Pochonia chlamydosporia and Plant-Parasitic Nematodes. Perspectives in Sustainable Nematode Management through Pochonia Chlamydosporia Applications for Root and Rhizosphere Health, ed. R.H. ManzanillaLopez and L.V. Lopez Llorca. 2017, Cham: Springer International Publishing Ag. 47-76.
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- Zavala-Gonzalez, E.A., et al., Some isolates of the nematophagous fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia promote root growth and reduce flowering time of tomato. Annals of Applied Biology, 2015. 166(3): p. 472-483.
- Larriba, E., et al., Sequencing and functional analysis of the genome of a nematode egg-parasitic fungus, Pochonia chlamydosporia. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 2014. 65: p. 69-80.
- Lin, R.M., et al., Genome and secretome analysis of Pochonia chlamydosporia provide new insight into egg-parasitic mechanisms. Scientific Reports, 2018. 8.
- Niu, X.M., Secondary Metabolites from Pochonia chlamydosporia and Other Species of Pochonia. Perspectives in Sustainable Nematode Management through Pochonia Chlamydosporia Applications for Root and Rhizosphere Health, ed. R.H. ManzanillaLopez and L.V. LopezLlorca. 2017, Cham: Springer International Publishing Ag. 131-168.
- Teng, S.Q., et al., Polyketides from the fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia and their bioactivities. Phytochemistry, 2023. 213: p. 6.
- Wang, Y.L., et al., Yellow Pigment Aurovertins Mediate Interactions between the Pathogenic Fungus Pochonia chlamydosporia and Its Nematode Host. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015. 63(29): p. 6577-6587.