Symptoms on fruit of Citrus maxima.
Image Credit: Pedro Crous
Image Credit: Pedro Crous

Colony on malt extract agar.
Image Credit: Pedro Crous
Image Credit: Pedro Crous
Phyllosticta is an Ascomycete fungus in the
Dothideomycetes clade. Dothideomycetes is the largest and most
diverse class of ascomycete fungi. It comprises 11 orders 90
families, 1300 genera and over 19,000 known species.
Phyllosticta citriasiana is a plant pathogen, some
strains of which cause a leaf condition called citrus tan spot on
citrus plants. This fungus affects citrus plants throughout
subtropical climates, causing a reduction in both fruit quantity
and quality. Symptoms include both fruit and leaf lesions, the
latter being critical to inter-tree dispersal.
This genome was sequenced as part of the 1000 Fungal Genomes
Genome Reference(s)
Please cite the following publication(s) if you use the data from this genome in your research:
Guarnaccia V, Gehrmann T, Silva-Junior GJ, Fourie PH, Haridas S, Vu D, Spatafora J, Martin FM, Robert V, Grigoriev IV, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW
Phyllosticta citricarpa and sister species of global importance to Citrus.
Mol Plant Pathol. 2019 Dec;20(12):1619-1635. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12861
Guarnaccia V, Gehrmann T, Silva-Junior GJ, Fourie PH, Haridas S, Vu D, Spatafora J, Martin FM, Robert V, Grigoriev IV, Groenewald JZ, Crous PW
Phyllosticta citricarpa and sister species of global importance to Citrus.
Mol Plant Pathol. 2019 Dec;20(12):1619-1635. doi: 10.1111/mpp.12861