Trichoderma sp. aff compactum SZMC 28013 was sequenced as a part of the CSP2018 Project 503464 "Genus-wide genomics of the biomass-degrading and plant-beneficial Trichoderma."
Fungi from the genus Trichoderma (Hypocreales, Ascomycota) exhibit remarkable ecophysiological and nutritional versatility, forming biotrophic interactions not only with a diversity of fungi, but also with animals and plants. Moreover, most species are saprotrophs and can efficiently degrade lignocellulose and establish in soil. These properties make Trichoderma one of the fungal genera having the broadest impact on humankind. T. reesei is well established as an industrial producer of cellulolytic enzymes for biofuel and biorefinery industries. Many species are used as bioeffectors in biofungicides and biofertilizers in agriculture. Interestingly and frequently, the same species are known as causative agents of green mold disease on mushroom farms, and some of them can attack immunocompromised humans, causing mycoses.
This project aims to further understanding of biological, evolutionary, and biochemical mechanisms underlying the superior environmental opportunism of some Trichoderma species, and to explain the narrow ecophysiological specialization of the others. The genus-wide genomic project is required for the introduction of new Trichoderma species into industrial processes, and it enables the development of environmentally safe and efficient agricultural applications based on these fungi and their products.