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The GO browser shows all the ancestors and siblings of a term in an indented outline form, a "tree view". When you browse to a term with more than one parent term, you will see the ancestors on all the branches that contain that term. NavigationEach term is preceded by a + or a - symbol.
Use the + and - symbols to view (+) or hide (-) a term's children. As you browse around, your tree view is tracked in your browser's URL string. Quick Tip
Term DataFor each term, a P or I follows the + or - symbol.
Each term also has a [D] after the + or - symbol. This is a link to a definition for the term, if one is available. Listed beneath the definition are functional groupings from other protein databases that would be assigned to that GO term. The term includes a GO ID number and name. The line for each term ends with a number in the column row. This is the number of predicted genes in the genome that are assigned to that term. The number is a link to the Gene Products page for that term. Quick Tip