Achaetomium strumarium CBS333.67
This genome was sequenced as part of the JGI CSP 1KFG - Deep
Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant Dikarya, whose goal is to fill
in gaps in the Fungal Tree of Life by sequencing at least two
reference genomes from the more than 500 recognized families of
Fungi. This project additionally aims to inform research on
plant-microbe interactions, microbial emission and capture of
greenhouse gasses, and environmental metagenomic sequencing.
The Chaetomiaceae family (Ascomycota phylum, Sordariomycetes family, Sordariales order) is one of the few groups of thermophilic fungi, playing an important role in the ecology of natural and industrial compost. Shifts in growth temperature optima have occurred in several clades in the Chaetomiaceae, and the presence of closely-related cold tolerant, mesophilic and thermophilic species, provides opportunities for comparative genomic analyses designed to probe the genetic bases and origins of thermophily.
The sequenced Achaetomidium strumarium isolate CBS333.67 has been isolated from soil, the usual habitat of Achaetomium species. Achaetomium species have the ability to grow at high temperatures and high osmotic pressure. The genus Achaetomium could be closely related to - if not synonym for - the genus Chaetomium, which shows a similar thick ascomatal wall, peridial hairs and cultural characteristics (Rodriguez et al. 2004).
Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from
unpublished CSP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI
and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate
other publications with the CSP master paper(s).
Rodríguez, Kendra, et al. "A new species of
Achaetomium from Indian soil." Stud Mycol 50 (2004):
Genome Reference(s)
Hensen N, Bonometti L, Westerberg I, Brännström IO, Guillou S, Cros-Aarteil S, Calhoun S, Haridas S, Kuo A, Mondo S, Pangilinan J, Riley R, LaButti K, Andreopoulos B, Lipzen A, Chen C, Yan M, Daum C, Ng V, Clum A, Steindorff A, Ohm RA, Martin F, Silar P, Natvig DO, Lalanne C, Gautier V, Ament-Velásquez SL, Kruys Å, Hutchinson MI, Powell AJ, Barry K, Miller AN, Grigoriev IV, Debuchy R, Gladieux P, Hiltunen Thorén M, Johannesson H
Genome-scale phylogeny and comparative genomics of the fungal order Sordariales.
Mol Phylogenet Evol. 2023 Oct 10;189():107938. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107938