Assembly v1 (19 May 2009) is a 'hybrid' assembly of 454 and Sanger gDNA reads. 88 scaffolds and 34.9 Mbp were assembled using Newbler v2 with an average coverage of 16.38X.
Scaffold total: | 873 |
Contig totall: | 7508 |
Scaffold sequence total: | 34.9 Mb |
Contig sequence total: | 33.2 MB (-> 4.9% gaps) |
Scaffold N50: | 1.8 Mb |
Contig N50: | 69.6 Kb |
Number of scaffolds > 50 KB: | 26 |
% in scaffolds >50 KB: | 92.2% |
Percent GC: | 51 |
Annotation v1 (19 May 2009) of the v1.0 assembly was produced by the JGI Annotation Pipeline, using a variety of homology-based and ab initio gene predictors. After filtering for homology support, a total of 10238 genes were structurally and functionally annotated.
# gene models: | 10238 |
Gene density: | 294 genes per Mbp |
Ave. gene length: | 1702 nt |
Ave. protein length: | 504 aa |
Ave. exon frequency: | 3.2 exons per gene |
Ave. exon length: | 468 nt |
Ave. intron length: | 88 nt |
% complete gene models (with start and stop codons) |
95% |
% genes with homology support | 99% |
% genes with Pfam domains: | 68% |
This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy's Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program, and by the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344, and Los Alamos National Laboratory under contract No. DE-AC02-06NA25396 .