Info • Bigelowiella natans CCMP2755 v1.0


Assembly v1 (19 May 2010) is a draft assembly of Sanger gDNA reads. 302 scaffolds and 94.7 Mbp were assembled using Arachne.
Nuclear Genome Assembly: v1.0
Scaffold count: 302
All Contig count: 3736
Scaffold sequence bases total: 94.7 Mbp
Scaffolded (Large) Contig sequence bases total: 91.4 Mbp
Estimated % sequence bases in gaps: 3.5%
Scaffold N50 / L50: 36 / 820.0 kbp
Contig N50 / L50: 423 / 59.5 kbp
Number of scaffolds > 50.0 Kb: 143
% in scaffolds > 50.0 Kb: 98.9%
Percent GC: 45%
% ESTs that align with assembly: 86.1%
Annotation v1 (19 May 2010) of the v1.0 assembly was produced by the JGI Annotation Pipeline, using a variety of cDNA-based, protein-based, and ab initio gene predictors. After filtering for EST and protein homology support, a total of 21708 genes were structurally and functionally annotated.
Nuclear Genome Annotation: v1.0
# gene models: 21708
Gene density: 229 genes per Mbp scaffold
Avg.gene length: 2834 nt
Avg. protein length: 443 aa
Avg. exon frequency: 8.9 exons per gene
% genes with intron: 86 %
% complete gene models (with start and stop codons): 92%
% genes with NR support: 71%
% genes with Pfam domains: 47%
% genes with transmembrane domain: 21%
% genes in multigene family: 57%
% genes with EST support: 36%


Genome Reference(s)


The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.