Cercophora aff. caudata PSN171 grown on OMA media. Photo credit:
Philippe Silar.
Cercophora aff. caudata PSN171 Minimal Draft
Cercophora caudata is the type species of the genus, which belongs to the family Schizotheciaceae (1). Because the culture is sterile, it is likely that it belongs to a heterothallic species. ITS sequence shows that it is related to Cercophora caudata, Cercophora newfieldiana and Apiosordaria microcarpa. The sequenced strain of Cercophora aff. caudata PSN171 was isolated from horse dung collected near Paris, France.
(1) Marin-Felix, Y., A. N. Miller, et al. (2020). "Re-Evaluation of the Order Sordariales: Delimitation of Lasiosphaeriaceae s. str., and Introduction of the New Families Diplogelasinosporaceae, Naviculisporaceae, and Schizotheciaceae." Microorganisms 8(9): 1430.