Crassisporium funariophilum (M.M. Moser) Matheny is a mushroom-forming member of Strophariaceae (Basidiomycota). It produces small brown mushrooms with distinctively shaped spores that have thick walls and broad germ pores (Matheny et al. 2015). Their occurrence is restricted to burned soil, and in this habitat they can be highly abundant. C. funariophilum and other fungi that are limited to burned habitats are called pyrophilous ("fire-loving") species, and currently little is known about what such fungi feed on in these post-fire environments. Understanding the role of pyrophilous fungi in post-fire soils is important, as they are likely to affect the fate of carbon storage in these environments.
Genome Reference(s)
Steindorff AS, Carver A, Calhoun S, Stillman K, Liu H, Lipzen A, He G, Yan M, Pangilinan J, LaButti K, Ng V, Bruns TD, Grigoriev IV
Comparative genomics of pyrophilous fungi reveals a link between fire events and developmental genes.
Environ Microbiol. 2021 Jan;23(1):99-109. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.15273
Matheny, P. Brandon, Pierre-Arthur Moreau, Alfredo Vizzini, Emma Harrower, Andre De Haan, Marco Contu, and Mariano Curti. 2015. “Crassisporium and Romagnesiella : Two New Genera of Dark-Spored Agaricales.” Systematics and Biodiversity 13 (1). Taylor & Francis: 28–41. doi:10.1080/14772000.2014.967823.