Home • Cylindrotheca closterium CA1.15 DCG0923
Cylindrotheca closterium
Cylindrotheca closterium. Photo credit: Phyto'pedia. Attribution: CC BY-NC-ND 3.0.

The Cylindrotheca closterium genome sequence and gene models have not been determined by the JGI, but were downloaded from Universiteit Gent on November 13, 2024. In order to ensure this genome is comparable to those sequenced by the JGI, we applied filters to remove if present: 1) transposable elements, 2) pseudogenes, 3) alternative transcripts and overlapping models, 4) alleles on secondary scaffolds and 5) unsupported short models. This resulted in the removal of 4254 models and the generation of the FilteredModels1 (GeneCatalog) gene track. All published models are available in the ExternalModels track. Please note that this copy of the genome is not automatically updated. In order to allow comparative analyses with other algal genomes sequenced by the JGI, a copy of this genome is incorporated into PhycoCosm. The JGI Annotation Pipeline was used to add functional annotation to the genes.

The following text was modified from NCBI BioProject PRJEB49951:

Genomics data produced to generate a first reference draft of the Cylindrotheca closterium diatom species.

A reference genome for the meroplanktonic diatom Cylindrotheca closterium. Data was generated using both Illumina short reads (MiSeq, 250bp PE) and Nanopore long read (MinION) sequencing. Genome was assembled using a combination of canu and SPAdes.

Genome Reference(s)