Elsinoë ampelina belongs to family Elsinoaceae
(order Myriangiales); only another fungus belonging to this family
(E. phaseoli) has been proposed to be sequenced by JGI and
no other sequences are available. The order Myriangiales includes
saprotrophic, epiphytic and biotrophic species, such as the insect
parasitic Myriangium duriaei
already sequenced by JGI.
E. ampelina is a plant pathogenic fungus that causes
anthracnose on grape, and can be found throughout the world
wherever grapes are grown, leading to large economic losses. Some
Elsinoë species show proteolytic, pectolytic and
cellulolytic extracellular activities. It is also known that the
invasion process of species from this genus into the plant involves
degradation of cell walls by extracellular enzymes near the
penetrating hyphae.
The life cycle of E. ampelina involves sclerotia as
overwintering structures on infected tissues. In the spring,
sclerotia produce conidia that are spread to other plant tissues
and germinate causing infection. Once the disease is
established, conidia form on acervuli inside necrotic areas.
Furthermore, in these infected tissues fruiting bodies form asci
and ascospores.
The genome sequence of this fungus will shed light into the plant
cell wall degradation during hyphae penetration, identifying
potentially useful enzymes for alternative fuel production from
lignocellulose substrates. Comparative genomics of E.
ampelina and the insect parasitic M. duriaei will
contribute to uncover the genomic features underlying the evolution
to diverse lifestyles in the context of the 1000 genomes
Genome Reference(s)
Haridas S, Albert R, Binder M, Bloem J, LaButti K, Salamov A, Andreopoulos B, Baker SE, Barry K, Bills G, Bluhm BH, Cannon C, Castanera R, Culley DE, Daum C, Ezra D, González JB, Henrissat B, Kuo A, Liang C, Lipzen A, Lutzoni F, Magnuson J, Mondo SJ, Nolan M, Ohm RA, Pangilinan J, Park HJ, RamÃrez L, Alfaro M, Sun H, Tritt A, Yoshinaga Y, Zwiers LH, Turgeon BG, Goodwin SB, Spatafora JW, Crous PW, Grigoriev IV
101 Dothideomycetes genomes: A test case for predicting lifestyles and emergence of pathogens.
Stud Mycol. 2020 Jun;96():141-153. doi: 10.1016/j.simyco.2020.01.003