Image Credit: Kathryn Bushley
Within the framework of JGI Community Sequencing Project “Defensive Mutualism of Fungal Root Endophytes of Soybean”, we are investigating the potential role of fungal endophytes isolated from soybean roots in protecting against two root pathogens: 1) the root rot fungus causing Soybean Sudden Death Syndrome (Fusarium virguliforme) and the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines). These fungi were screened for either anti-fungal or anti-nematode activity in-vitro and genome, transcriptome, and metabolome sequencing will address possible mechanisms of antagonism against these pathogens.
Fusarium is a large genus of filamentous fungi with diverse lifestyles, ranging from pathogens or endophytes of plants, to opportunistic human pathogens, to insect pathogens and mutualists [1, 2]. F. sporotrichoides is a plant pathogen, most noted as one of the several Fusarium species causing Fusarium Head Blight of wheat [3, 4], and produces various trichothecene mycotoxins, some of which are involved in plant disease [5, 6]. It has also been implicated in corn ear rot [7, 8], where production of mycotoxins poses human health risks. While F. sporotirchoides have not commonly been described as endophyte, strain (7-200) was isolated from soybean roots with signs of fungal infection.
Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from unpublished CSP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI (Dr. Kathryn Bushley) and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate other publications with the CSP master paper(s).
- Hill, R., et al., Lifestyle Transitions in Fusarioid Fungi are Frequent and Lack Clear Genomic Signatures. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2022. 39(4): p. 19.
- Nikitin, D.A., et al., Diversity, Ecological Characteristics and Identification of Some Problematic Phytopathogenic Fusarium in Soil: A Review. Diversity-Basel, 2023. 15(1): p. 18.
- Atanassov, Z., et al., Mycotoxin Production And Pathogenicity Of Fusarium Species And Wheat Resistance To Fusarium Head Blight. Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique, 1994. 72(2): p. 161-167.
- Schlang, N., et al., Spatial distribution of Fusarium head blight pathogens and associated mycotoxins in wheat fields. Cereal Research Communications, 2008. 36: p. 573-577.
- Busman, M., S.M. Poling, and C.M. Maragos, Observation of T-2 Toxin and HT-2 Toxin Glucosides from Fusarium sporotrichioides by Liquid Chromatography Coupled to Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). Toxins, 2011. 3(12): p. 1554-1568.
- Foroud, N., et al., The role of trichothecene-chemotypes in fusarium head blight disease spread in wheat. Cereal Research Communications, 2008. 36: p. 489-491.
- Van Asselt, E.D., et al., A Dutch field survey on fungal infection and mycotoxin concentrations in maize. Food Additives and Contaminants Part a-Chemistry Analysis Control Exposure & Risk Assessment, 2012. 29(10): p. 1556-1565.
- Vigier, B., et al., Distribution and prediction of Fusarium species associated with maize ear rot in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology-Revue Canadienne De Phytopathologie, 1997. 19(1): p. 60-65.