![Fruiting bodies of Ganoderma leucocontextum [Photo credit: Yuan Yuan]](/public/Ganleu1/Ganoderma+leucocontextum.jpeg;jsessionid=A45989CA2588D41F23D6369D635F6F84)
In the "1KFG: Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant
Dikarya" project (CSP1974), we aim to sequence additional
sampling of genomic diversity within keystone lineages of
plant-associated fungi and saprotrophic species that are of special
ecological importance for understanding terrestrial ecosystems,
such as grasslands, woodlands and forests. Comparative genomics of
saprotrophic, mycorrhizal, endophytic and pathogenic fungi will
provide new insights into the specific and conserved molecular
adaptations associated with each fungal lifestyle.
Within the framework of a collaborative effort with Prof. Yu-Cheng
Dai, Prof. Bao-Kai Cui, and Yifei Sun (Beijing Forestry
University), we aim to assess the host-specificity with the
Ganoderma lineage. Ganodermataceae includes a large number
of white-rot filamentous fungi playing a key role in the global
carbon cycle. These fungi are very efficient in degrading
lignocellulose, cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin by using
laccases, lignin peroxidases, manganese peroxidases and other
carbohydrate-acting enzymes.
Ganoderma leucocontextum
Ganoderma leucocontextum T.H. Li, W.Q. Deng, Sheng H. Wu,
Dong M. Wang & H.P. Hu (2015) is a white rot fungus in the
Ganodermataceae (Polyporales), characterized by its stipitate
basidiocarps with white to cream context. G.
leucocontextum is only found growing on wood of deciduous
trees and is distributed throughout Southwestern China. G.
leucocontextum is also well-known as a medicinal mushroom,
so-called “Zanglingzhi”. It is widely cultivated in the
Tibet Autonomous Region in China. Chemical analyses of G.
leucocontextum fruiting bodies have identified several
secondary metabolites which have a great potential in prevention
and curing of various diseases.
G. leucocontextum Dai 12418 was collected from
Zhujiangyuan Forest Park in the Yunnan Province, and the strain is
stored at the Institute of Microbiology, School of Ecology and
Nature Conservation, Beijing Forestry University (BJFC, Beijing,
Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from
unpublished CSP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI
(Francis Martin) and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use
and coordinate other publications with the CSP master paper(s).
Genome Reference(s)
Sun YF, Lebreton A, Xing JH, Fang YX, Si J, Morin E, Miyauchi S, Drula E, Ahrendt S, Cobaugh K, Lipzen A, Koriabine M, Riley R, Kohler A, Barry K, Henrissat B, Grigoriev IV, Martin FM, Cui BK
Phylogenomics and Comparative Genomics Highlight Specific Genetic Features in Ganoderma Species.
J Fungi (Basel). 2022 Mar 18;8(3):. doi: 10.3390/jof8030311