In the “1KFG: Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant Dikarya” project (CSP1974), we aim to sequence additional sampling of genomic diversity within keystone lineages of plant-interacting fungi and saprophytic fungi that are of special ecological importance for understanding terrestrial ecosystems. In addition, comparative genome analysis with saprotrophic, mycorrhizal and pathogenic fungi will provide new insights into the specific and conserved adaptations associated with each fungal lifestyle.
Hebeloma brunneifolium Hesler – Brown-gilled hebeloma
Hebeloma brunneifolium Hesler was described from Tennessee and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence of this genome isolate falls into a clade found throughout eastern North America, confirmed from Florida, Indiana, Massachusetts, and West Virginia (Hesler 1977). Hebeloma brunneifolium represents a North American segregate species of the Hebeloma velutipes Bruchet complex, which is considered one of the most common species of the genus, occurring throughout most of Europe and temperate North America, southern South America, and Oceania (Beker et al. 2016). The species complex is characterized by having a rather large, pale yellow cap, velvety white stalk, gill edges that exude milky beads, a faint odor of radish, and almond-shaped spores that are roughened. Extreme intragenomic variation of the ITS barcode region within single collections for this complex has been documented (Aanen et al. 2001). The ITS copies can be segregated into monokarya, and the resulting sequences fall into different species clades that are not supported as sister groups (Grilli et al. 2016). The genome isolate was derived from a spore drop on media from a sporocarp found fruiting with Populus trichocarpa on 10/22/2015 in a planted Populus grove in West Virginia. Hebeloma brunneifolium is an associate of Populus and will be an important tool for understanding community assembly and function of the Populus root microbiome.
Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from unpublished CSP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate other publications with the CSP master paper(s).
Aanen, D.K., Kuyper, T.W. and Hoekstra, R.F., 2001. A widely distributed ITS polymorphism within a biological species of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma velutipes. Mycological Research, 105(3), pp.284-290.
Beker, H.J., Eberhardt, U. and Vesterholt, J., 2016. Fungi Europaei Vol. 14, Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. Edizioni Tecnografica. Boyle, H., Zimdars, B., Renker, C. & Buscot, F.(2006). A molecular phylogeny of Hebeloma species from Europe.–Mycological Research, 110, pp.369-380.
Grilli, E., Beker, H.J., Eberhardt, U., Schütz, N., Leonardi, M. and Vizzini, A., 2016. Unexpected species diversity and contrasting evolutionary hypotheses in Hebeloma (Agaricales) sections Sinapizantia and Velutipes in Europe. Mycological progress, 15(1), p.5.
Hesler, L.R., 1977. New species of Hebeloma. Kew Bulletin, pp.471-480.