Hesseltinella vesiculosa (Mucorales), the type and only
species in the genus Hesseltinella, was isolated from
paddy field soil collected in Brazil (Upadhyay 1970). This genus
and species is known from only a single culture.
Hesseltinella was originally thought to be related to
Radiomyces (Radiomycetaceae) because of the morphological
similarities between the two genera (Benny and Benjamin 1991).
However, current molecular studies (Hoffmann et al. 2013) place
H. vesiculosa in the Cunninghamellaceae (Mucorales,
Mucoromycotina). Sporangiospores of H. vesiculosa are produced in
multispored sporangiola covered with acicular spines that have
hexagonal bases. The spines are composed of calcium oxalate.
Sexual reproduction has not been reported in this species.
Mucoromycotina, one of four subphyla, as well as the phylum
Entomopthoromycota, were previously classified in the now defunct
phylum Zygomycota. Taxa in Mucoromycotina are saprobes or
facultative parasite in nature. Some species are important as
plant and post-harvest pathogens, in industry for production of
enzymes and organic acids, and as the causative agents of
mucormycosis in humans and some other animals. Mucoromycotina
is the largest subphylum of zygomycete fungi.
Benny, G.L., and R.K. Benjamin. 1991. The Radiomycetaceae
(Mycorales; Zygomycetes). III. A new species of
Radiomyces, and cladistic analysis and taxonomy of the
family; with a discussion of the evolutionary ordinal relationships
in Zygomycotina. Mycologia 83: 713-735.
Hoffmann, K., J. Pawlowska, G. Walther, M. Wrzosek, G.S. de Hoog,
G.L. Benny, P.M. Kirk, and K. Voigt. 2013. The family structure of
the Mucorales: a synoptic revision based on comprehensive
multigene-genealogies. Persoonia 30: 57-76.
Upadhyay, H.P. 1970. Soil fungi from north-east and north
Brazil—VIII. Persoonia 6: 111-117.
Genome Reference(s)
Mondo SJ, Dannebaum RO, Kuo RC, Louie KB, Bewick AJ, LaButti K, Haridas S, Kuo A, Salamov A, Ahrendt SR, Lau R, Bowen BP, Lipzen A, Sullivan W, Andreopoulos BB, Clum A, Lindquist E, Daum C, Northen TR, Kunde-Ramamoorthy G, Schmitz RJ, Gryganskyi A, Culley D, Magnuson J, James TY, O'Malley MA, Stajich JE, Spatafora JW, Visel A, Grigoriev IV
Widespread adenine N6-methylation of active genes in fungi.
Nat Genet. 2017 Jun;49(6):964-968. doi: 10.1038/ng.3859