Jaminaea rosea (MCA5214)
The anamorphic basidiomycetous yeast genus Jaminaea was first described in 2009 (Sipiczki and Kajdacsi, 2009). Phylogenetic analyses of several rDNA loci place Jaminaea as a basal lineage of Microstromatales. Currently, the genus consists of two species, J. angkorensis Sipiczki & Kajdacsi and J. lanaiensis (Mahdi, Statzell, Fell, M.V. Br. & Donachie) Liou, Wei & Lee, which was recently moved from Sympodiomycopsis based on analyses of D1/D2 region of large subunit ribosomal DNA sequence (Mahdi et al., 2008; Wei et al., 2011). To date, the genus Jaminaea has not been found to be phytopathogenic.
The Jaminaea isolate selected for genome sequencing (MCA5214) was isolated from the phylloplane of a Plumeria sp. in Florida in 2013. The fungus forms pink, butyrous colonies consisting of subglobose to oval yeast cells with multipolar budding, which may form a chain of buds as pseudohyphae. Based on analyses of D1/D2 region of large subunit ribosomal DNA and internal transcribed spacer region, the isolate is sister to but distinct from J. lanaiensis. Results from yeast assimilation studies show that it represents a previously undescribed species of Jaminaea, now named Jaminaea rosea (Kijpornyongpan and Aime, 2017).
The genome sequence of Jaminaea rosea MCA5214 will provide a genome reference sequence for a member of Microstromatales. Researchers will use these data in phylogenetic and phylogenomic reconstructions and in comparative genomics studies that seek to elucidate the molecular bases governing production of sexual and anamorphic states and the evolution of phytopathogenicity in Ustilaginomycotina.
Mahdi LE, Statzell-Tallman A, Fell JW, Brown MV, Donachie SP. 2008. Sympodiomycopsis lanaiensis sp. nov., a basidiomycetous yeast (Ustilaginomycotina: Microstromatales) from marine driftwood in Hawai’i. FEMS Yeast Research 8:1357–1363.
Sipiczki M, Kajdacsi E. 2009. Jaminaea angkorensis gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel anamorphic fungus containing an S943 nuclear small-subunit rRNA group IB intron represents a basal branch of Microstromatales. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 59:914–920.
Wei Y, Liou G, Liu H, Lee F. 2011. Sympodiomycopsis kandeliae sp. nov., a basidiomycetous anamorphic fungus from mangroves, and reclassification of Sympodiomycopsis lanaiensis as Jaminaea lanaiensis comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 61:469–473.
Kijpornyongpan, T, Aime, MC, 2017. Taxonomic revisions in the Microstromatales: two new yeast species, two new genera, and validation of Jaminaea and two Sympodiomycopsis species. Mycol Progress 16:495-505.
Genome Reference(s)
Kijpornyongpan T, Mondo SJ, Barry K, Sandor L, Lee J, Lipzen A, Pangilinan J, LaButti K, Hainaut M, Henrissat B, Grigoriev IV, Spatafora JW, Aime MC
Broad Genomic Sampling Reveals a Smut Pathogenic Ancestry of the Fungal Clade Ustilaginomycotina.
Mol Biol Evol. 2018 Aug 1;35(8):1840-1854. doi: 10.1093/molbev/msy072