Image Courtesy: Pedro Crous, CBS
Transitions from terrestrial to freshwater habitats have occurred several times independently in Dothideomycetes. Interestingly, recurrent shifts to aquatic lifestyles occur in Pleosporomycetidae but not in Dothideomycetidae. Lepidopterella palustris is a singleton freshwater lineage, which is sister to the Mytilinidiales with low bootstrap support (Shearer et al. 2009). This species colonizes submerged wooden debris in cypress swamps and rarely produces ascomata that show the characteristic papilionaceous (butterfly shaped) ascospores (Shearer and Crane 1980). Freshwater Ascomycetes are known to be key players in the decomposition of plant materials, however, recycling carbon sources in aquatic habitats using extracellular enzymes is a poorly understood process. The genome of Lepidopterella palustris will contribute to our knowledge of the enzymes involved that are essential in aquatic wood decay.
Shearer C.A. & Crane J.L. (1980). Taxonomy of two
cleistothecial Ascomycetes with papilionaceous ascospores. Trans.
Br. Mycol. Soc. 75: 193 – 200.
Shearer C.A., Raja H.A., Miller A.N., Nelson P., Tanaka K.,
Hirayama K., Marvanova L., Hyde K.D. & Zhang Y. (2009). The
molecular phylogeny of freshwater Dothideomycetes. Studies in
Mycology 64: 145 – 153.
Genome Reference(s)
Peter M, Kohler A, Ohm RA, Kuo A, Krützmann J, Morin E, Arend M, Barry KW, Binder M, Choi C, Clum A, Copeland A, Grisel N, Haridas S, Kipfer T, LaButti K, Lindquist E, Lipzen A, Maire R, Meier B, Mihaltcheva S, Molinier V, Murat C, Pöggeler S, Quandt CA, Sperisen C, Tritt A, Tisserant E, Crous PW, Henrissat B, Nehls U, Egli S, Spatafora JW, Grigoriev IV, Martin FM
Ectomycorrhizal ecology is imprinted in the genome of the dominant symbiotic fungus Cenococcum geophilum.
Nat Commun. 2016 Sep 7;7():12662. doi: 10.1038/ncomms12662