Loramyces macrosporus is a member of Loramycetaceae
family from the order Helotiales, and was sequenced as part of the
1000 fungal
genomes project. The 1000 fungal genome project aims fill in
gaps in the Fungal Tree of Life by sequencing at least two
reference genomes from the more than 500 recognized families of
Fungi. This project additionally aims to inform research on
plant-microbe interactions, microbial emission and capture of
greenhouse gasses, and environmental metagenomic sequencing.
Loramycetaceae is a monotypic taxon, containing the single genus
Loramyces. The genus contains two aquatic species, L. juncicola and L.
macrosporus. Species in the family are found in North America
and Europe, where they grow saprobically on submerged, decaying
plant tissue.
Members of the Loramycetaceae family lack stromata, the compact
mass of mycelium that supports fruit bodies or in which fruiting
bodies are produced. The ascomata, which are formed within a
gelatinous matrix, are deeply cup-shaped, almost like a
perithecium. The outer tissue layer of the ascomata is thin-walled
and transclucent. The ascospores are 2-septate, transclucent, and
have a long basal cellular appendage with a gelatinous sheath. This
sheath is thought to play the role of a "flotation mechanism", and
ultimately give the ascospores a greater chance to become attached
to the upper part of the host plant.