Martensiomyces pterosporus J.A. Mey., strain
CBS 209.56
Martensiomyces pterosporus is a saprotrophic member of the
Kickxellaceae. This rare fungus has only been isolated one time
from soil collected in Yangambi, Congo, now the Democratic Republic
of the Congo. In culture M. pterosporus produces a
bright yellow, low, up to 2 mm high, colony.
Martensiomyces represents one of twelve genera currently
included in the Kickxellaceae and its ecological role in soil
ecosystems is still unknown.
The systematics of the family Kickxellaceae is based largely on the
morphological characteristics of the mycelium. The vegetative
mycelium of all representatives of Kickxellaceae form
characteristic 1-spored or 2-spored merosporangia, which serve as
organs of asexual reproduction. Zygospores (sexual spores)
have never been seen in Martensiomyces pterosporus. The
arrangement of the fertile head (umbellate origin of the
sporocladial branches) in Martensiomyces is unique and
distinct from species in other genera of Kickxellaceae. The hyphae
of Martensiomyces also have a septal pore with a plug in a
lenticular cavity.
In addition to providing new information about the evolutionary
relationships within the Kickxellomycotina, sequencing the genomes
of members of the Kickxellaceae will also help to elucidate the
ecological roles that these fungi play in nature. The acquisition
of a septal plug apparatus that helps to control cytoplasmic
movements between cells has been a key innovation within some
groups of fungi. Accordingly, the genome of Martensiomyces
pterosporus will likely provide important clues for
understanding more about the evolution and function of this
cellular apparatus.
Genome Reference(s)
Amses KR, Simmons DR, Longcore JE, Mondo SJ, Seto K, Jerônimo GH, Bonds AE, Quandt CA, Davis WJ, Chang Y, Federici BA, Kuo A, LaButti K, Pangilinan J, Andreopoulos W, Tritt A, Riley R, Hundley H, Johnson J, Lipzen A, Barry K, Lang BF, Cuomo CA, Buchler NE, Grigoriev IV, Spatafora JW, Stajich JE, James TY
Diploid-dominant life cycles characterize the early evolution of Fungi.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2022 Sep 6;119(36):e2116841119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2116841119