The poplar leaf rust fungus Melampsora is the most
devastating and widespread pathogen of poplars, and has limited the
use of poplars for environmental and wood production goals in many
parts of the world. Almost all known poplar cultivars are
susceptible to Melampsora larici-populina, and new
virulent strains are continuously developing. This disease
therefore has a strong potential impact on current and future
poplar plantations used for production of forest products
(principally pulp and consolidated wood products), carbon
sequestration, biofuels production, and bioremediation. There is a
pressing need to develop a thorough understanding of the
Melampsora species that are poplar pathogens so that new
control approaches can be established.
Melampsora larici-populina belongs to the Basidiomycota
(Pucciniomycotina ; Pucciniomycetes ; Pucciniales ;
Melampsoraceae). It requires a Populus and a
Larix host to complete its life cycle. The rust
overwinters as teliospores on dead Populus leaves on the
ground. These spores germinate in the spring, producing windborne
basidiospores, which results in infection of larch needles. A few
days later, masses of yellow orange aeciospores are produced on
needles of the coniferous host. They serve as inoculum for
infection of live Populus leaves during the spring.
Urediniospores (in yellow-orange pustules) are then produced on
Populus leaves, serving as inoculum for rust epidemics on
Populus throughout the summer. In late summer, teliospores
(the overwintering spores) are again produced on Populus
leaves, completing the rust's life cycle. Melampsora
larici-populina is a close relative of other economically
important rusts (Pucciniales), including Puccinia and
other cereal rusts.
Besides its commercial importance, Melampsora shares a
long coevolutionary history with Populus, with a constant
interplay of resistance and pathogenicity. An improved
understanding of the defense mechanism in poplar leaves may help to
reduce the damage in plantations of the economically important
poplar species and provide basic insights on the evolutionary
biology of host-pathogen interactions.
To elucidate the genetic basis of the Melampsora-Populus
interaction, we have sequenced the hundred million base-pair genome
of the dikaryotic strain 98AG31 to high draft using a whole genome
shotgun method. This is the first genome of a tree pathogen to be
Finally, the comparison of the genomes of mutualistic
(Laccaria bicolor) and pathogenic (Melampsora
larici-populina) basidiomycetes interacting with
Populus will provide insights into pathogenicity/symbiosis
mechanisms and into differences in evolutionary processes developed
by the different types of biotrophic fungi.
Melampsora larici-populina version 2.0 is a reassembly of original data guided by a genetic map provided by Uffe Helsten which was based on 85 offspring, and has map position information at 29,168 unique positions in the genome. Scaffold breaks were identified using an abrupt change in the linkage group. A total of 62 breaks were made. Scaffolds were then oriented, ordered, and joined together using the map and assembled into 18 chromosomes. A total of 186 joins were made during this process.
Genome Reference(s)
Persoons A, Maupetit A, Louet C, Andrieux A, Lipzen A, Barry KW, Na H, Adam C, Grigoriev IV, Segura V, Duplessis S, Frey P, Halkett F, De Mita S
Genomic Signatures of a Major Adaptive Event in the Pathogenic Fungus Melampsora larici-populina.
Genome Biol Evol. 2022 Jan 4;14(1):. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evab279