Info • Neurospora crassa FGSC4200 ORS-SL6a (aka "ORS6a") v3.0


[February 2023] The Neurospora crassa FGSC4200 ORS-SL6a (aka “ORS6a”) v3.0 genome was sequenced with PacBio, assembled with Falcon, and annotated with the JGI Annotation Pipeline. Mitochondrial genome was assembled separately and is available in the downloads section.

Genome Assembly
Genome Assembly size (Mbp) 41.68
Sequencing read coverage depth 193.13x
# of contigs 8
# of scaffolds 8
# of scaffolds >= 2Kbp 8
Scaffold N50 3
Scaffold L50 (Mbp) 6.04
# of gaps 0
% of scaffold length in gaps 0.0%
Three largest Scaffolds (Mbp) 10.25, 6.94, 6.04

ESTs Data set # sequences total # mapped to genome % mapped to genome
Ests est.fasta 258117188 255256988 98.9%
Other IsoSeq_hq_reads_HPWAU 9556 9150 95.8%
Other IsoSeq_hq_reads_HTPTC 24300 23355 96.1%
Other RNAseq_contigs 56162 41070 73.1%

Gene Models FilteredModels1
length (bp) of: average median
gene 2030 1785
transcript 1846 1607
exon 701 425
intron 114 76
protein length (aa) 508 419
exons per gene 2.63 2
# of gene models 9909


  • Michael Freitag, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Oregon State University


The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.