Parasitella are mycoparasites of other fungi including
Mucorales order fungi. P. parasitica grows well in axenic
culture on ordinary fungal culture media (Schipper 1978). When
parasitizing a suitable host (a mucoralean fungus of the opposite
mating type), P. parasitica produces narrow hyphae that
form septa to delineate the region behind the regions of contact.
These contact areas enlarge and the wall between them dissolves,
those of the host forming fingerlike growths and the apex of the
parasite mycelium becomes globose; the nuclei of the both the host
and parasite mix (Schipper 1978). The parasitism of P.
parasitica is dependent on the mating type of the host, P.
parasitica (+) will parasitize only Absidia glauca
(-) or any other suceptable species of the Mucoraceae that is of
the (-) mating type. Zygospore formation in Parasitella
requires the presence of the appropriate host because because
trisporic acid levels are low in P. parasitica
(Wöstemeyer et al. 1995).
Genome sequence for this lineage provides additional understanding
of the phylogenetic diversity of the Mucoralean fungi and sampling
of major Families within the order. As a mycoparasite, one of
several potentially independently evolved instances within the
fungi, it will provide additional perspective on the evolution of
metabolism and parasitism within this order of early branching
Source: http://zygomycetes.org/
Wöstemeyer, J., A. Wöstemeyer, A. Burmester, and K.
Czempinski. 1995. Relationships between sexual processes and
parasitic interactions in the host-pathogen system Absidia
glauca—Parasitella parasitica. Can. J.
Bot. 73 (Suppl. 1):S243-S250.
Schipper, M.A.A. 1978. On the genera Rhizomucor and
Parasitella. Studies Mycol. (Baarn) 17:52-71.
Genome Reference(s)
Wang Y, Chang Y, Ortañez J, Peña JF, Carter-House D, Reynolds NK, Smith ME, Benny G, Mondo SJ, Salamov A, Lipzen A, Pangilinan J, Guo J, LaButti K, Andreopolous W, Tritt A, Keymanesh K, Yan M, Barry K, Grigoriev IV, Spatafora JW, Stajich JE
Divergent evolution of early terrestrial fungi reveals the evolution of Mucormycosis pathogenicity factors.
Genome Biol Evol. 2023 Mar 17;():. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evad046