Info • Pleurotus ostreatus PC9 v1.0


v1.0 (September,2009):The Pleurotus ostreatus PC9 genome sequence assembly v1.0 was built with Arachne assembler from whole genome shotgun and paired end sequencing reads. The nuclear genome sequence from this draft assembly was annotated using the JGI Genome Annotation Pipeline and custom analyses.

Summary statistics for the Pleurotus ostreatus PC15 v1.0 release:

Nuclear Genome Assembly PC15 v1.0 PC9 v1.0
Nuclear genome size(Mbp) 34.3 35.6
Sequencing read coverage depth 8.67x 21.14x
Reported # of contigs 249 3272
# of nuclear scaffolds 19 572
# of nuclear scaffolds >2 18 572
Nuclear scaffold N/L50 5/3.3 Mbp 6/2.1 Mbp
Three largest Scaffolds (Mbp) 4.8
Sequencing method Sanger Mixed: 454
+ Sanger

PC15 PC9
ESTs Data set # sequences total # mapped to genome # not mapped to genome % mapped to genome # mapped to genome # not mapped to genome % mapped to genome
EST clusters PleosPC15_EstClusters_Fruit_bodies_20080420213521_cluster_consensus 4,796 4,632 164 97% 4,605 191 96%
PleosPC9_EstClusters_20080420213541_cluster_consensus 4,338 4,182 156 96% 4,184 154 96%
Pleos_EstClusters_20081001000000_cluster_consensus 9132 8,651 481 95% 8,644 488 95%
EST PleosPC15_Ests_Fruit_bodies_20080420213521_good_ESTs 13,184 12,869 315 98% 12,845 339 97%
PleosPC9_Ests_20080420213541_good_ESTs 13,931 13,541 390 97% 13,624 307 98%
Pleos_Ests_20081001000000_good_ESTs 29,116 29,168 948 97% 28,222 894 97%
Other GenBank_Pleurotus_CompleteCds 64 42 22 66% 44 20 69%
Gene Models PC15 v1.01 PC9 v1.02
length (bp) of: average average
gene 1,772 1,692
transcript 1,377 1,310
exon 217 215
intron 76 77
protein length (aa) 445 413
exons per gene 6.4 6.1
# of gene models 11.603 12.206
Density (Genes/Mbp) 338 343

1PleosPC15_1 track FilteredModels5

2PleosPC9_1 track FilteredModels2


  • Antonio Pisabarro (Public Univ. of Navarre)
  • Lucia Ramirez (Public Univ. of Navarre)
  • Allan C. Gathman (Southeast Missouri State Univ.)
  • Francis Martin (INRA, France), Ursel Kues (Univ. of Gottingen)
  • Yitzhak Hadar (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)
  • Christian Kubicek (Tech. Univ. of Vienna)
  • Dan Cullen (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison)
  • Bernard Henrissat (Univ. Aix-Marseille)
  • Rytas Vlgalys (Duke Univ.)
  • Juan Francisco Martin (Instituto de Biotecnologia de Leon)

Genome Reference(s)


The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.