This genome was sequenced as part of the JGI CSP "1000
Fungal Genomes – Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant
Dikarya" project. Within the framework of this project, we are
sequencing keystone lineages of saprophytic, mycorrhizal, and
endophytic fungi that are of special ecological importance. Dozens
of sequenced species were harvested from Long Term Observatories to
serve as the foundation for a reference database for metagenomics
of fungi and for a comprehensive survey of the soil fungal
Porpomyces mucidus
Porpomyces mucidus (also known as Ceriporiopsis
mucida, Fibuloporia mucida) forms resupinate, poroid
fruiting bodies on very rotten wood. The species is found scattered
in the Northern part of North America (but is more common in
Europe, where it is found in the temperate zone and favorable
locations in the boreal). Any decayed piece of wood will do: wood
remnants, stumps, fallen trees, as long as they are in advanced
stages of decay. The species is associated with white rot wood,
though it is questionable if this species is capable of white rot.
With rhizomorphs, it seems to be soil-inhabiting.
Porpomyces mucidus belongs to the Hydnodontiaecae of the
Trechisporales (Hibbett et al. 2014). This is the first genome from
the Hydnodontiaceae clade - the two other genomes from the
Trechisporales (Sistotremastrum spp.) belong to a separate
lineage within the order. The Hydnodontiaceae include taxa, such as
numerous Trechispora spp., whose nutritional strategy is
an enigma - some are suspected to be ectomycorrhizal (Dunham et al.
2007), though most are associated with dead wood. Ecologically
otherwise similar, P. mucidus deviates from
Trechispora spp. in that it readily grows on standard
media while the latter do not. The P. mucidus genome will
shed light in evolution of wood decomposition ability in
Trechisporales and early-diverging Agaricomycetes.
The genome is based on a polysporic culture from Helsinki,
Finland. The fruiting body was collected on a rotten log of Prunus
padus from an old, herb-rich spruce forest.
The 1KFG project is a large collaborative effort aiming for master
publication(s). Please do contact the PI for 1KFG - Deep Sequencing
of Ecologically-relevant Dikarya (Dr. Francis Martin) for
permission prior to the use of any data in publications.
- Dunham SM, Larsson KH, Spatafora JW (2007) Species richness and community composition of mat-forming ectomycorrhizal fungi in old- and second-growth Douglas-fir forests of the HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon, USA. Mycorrhiza 17 (8):633-645.
- Hibbett DS, Bauer R, Binder M, Giachini AJ, Hosaka K, Justo A, Larsson E, Larsson KH, Lawrey JD, Miettinen O, Nagy LG, Nilsson RH, Weiss M, Thorn RG (2014) Agaricomycetes. In:McLaughlin DJ, Spatafora JW (eds) Systematics and Evolution, vol 7A. The Mycota. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 373-429.