Info • Pterula gracilis CBS309.79 v1.0


(Dec 2015) The Pterula gracilis CBS309.79 genome was sequenced using Illumina technology and assembledwith AllPathsLG.

Summary statistics for the Pterula gracilis CBS309.79 v1.0 release are below.
Genome Assembly
Genome Assembly size (Mbp) 34.77
Sequencing read coverage depth 88.4x
# of contigs 852
# of scaffolds 221
# of scaffolds >= 2Kbp 190
Scaffold N50 13
Scaffold L50 (Mbp) 0.64
# of gaps 631
% of scaffold length in gaps 3.0%
Three largest Scaffolds (Mbp) 2.66, 1.89, 1.53

ESTs Data set # sequences total # mapped to genome % mapped to genome
EstClusters ESTclusters 33571 32283 96.2%
Ests est.fasta 109785474 101154409 92.1%

Gene Models FilteredModels1
length (bp) of: average median
gene 1728 1445
transcript 1405 1161
exon 245 151
intron 70 60
protein length (aa) 398 318
exons per gene 5.73 4
# of gene models 12873


László Nagy, Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Joseph W. Spatafora, Oregon State University

Genome Reference(s)



The work conducted by the U.S. Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute, a DOE Office of Science User Facility, is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.