Info • Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880 v2.0
Please note that this organism is for archival use only. Please see the current Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880 v4.0 site for the latest data and information.


The genome sequence and gene predictions were obtained from Jeffrey Skerker on Oct 4, 2015. Please note that this copy of the genome is not maintained by the author and is therefore not automatically updated. JGI tools were used to automatically annotate predicted proteins

Summary statistics for the Rhodosporidium toruloides IFO0880 v2.0 release are below.
Genome Assembly
Genome Assembly size (Mbp) 20.81
Sequencing read coverage depth 1x
# of contigs 30
# of scaffolds 30
# of scaffolds >= 2Kbp 30
Scaffold N50 6
Scaffold L50 (Mbp) 1.39
# of gaps 0
% of scaffold length in gaps 0.0%
Three largest Scaffolds (Mbp) 2.22, 1.97, 1.86

Gene Models ExternalModels
length (bp) of: average median
gene 2153 1778
transcript 1670 1344
exon 255 147
intron 89 64
protein length (aa) 557 448
exons per gene 6.55 6
# of gene models 7466


Jeffrey Skerker, UC Berkeley

Adam P. Arkin, UC Berkeley

Genome Reference(s)


This project was not sequenced at the JGI.