Home • Russula emetica Přilba v1.0
Russula emetica
The picture was taken by Petr Baldrian, from the same forest where he sampled fruitbodies for genome sequencing, but it is not the actual fruitbody used.

Within the framework of the JGI Mycorrhizal Genomics Initiative and the 1000 Fungal Genomes project, we are sequencing a phylogenetically and ecologically diverse suite of mycorrhizal fungi (Basidiomycota, Ascomycota and Glomeromycotina). This comparative genomics resource provides a much-needed boost for the research community to understand the evolution of mycorrhizal symbioses.

Russula emetica (Schaeff.) Pers. Sickener

Russula emetica is a very common taxon in wet coniferous forests with a wide distribution in the Northern Hemisphere. It was found to be very common in acidic soils of coniferous mountain spruce forests affected by acid deposition that are N-saturated (Žifčáková et al. 2016), where it was the most abundant ectomycorrhizal fungi. With lower frequency, the fungus also occurs in N-rich coniferous plantations of Central Europe (Bahnmann et al. 2018). The fungus forms fruitbodies from August until October, often in very high quantities suggesting high mycelial productivity in suitable habitats (Richardson 1970). As the name of the fungus suggests, the fruitbodies can cause gastrointestinal problems if eaten after improper preparation. Because Russula emetica grows in N-rich soils, it is a suitable model of a tree root symbiont occurring at sites where mycorrhizal N-supply of trees is not essential. The sporocarps for this genome were collected on September 12, 2013 in a mountainous coniferous forest in the Bohemian Forest, Central Europe with dominant Picea abies

Researchers who wish to publish analyses using data from unpublished CSP genomes are respectfully required to contact the PI (Francis Martin) and JGI to avoid potential conflicts on data use and coordinate other publications with the CSP master paper(s).


Bahnmann B, Mašínová T, Halvorsen R, Davey ML, Sedlák P, Tomšovský M, Baldrian P. 2018. Effects of oak, beech and spruce on the distribution and community structure of fungi in litter and soils across a temperate forest. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 119: 162-173.

Richardson MJ. 1970. Studies on Russula emetica and other agarics in a scots pine plantation. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 55: 217-229.

Žifčáková L, Větrovský T, Howe A, Baldrian P. 2016. Microbial activity in forest soil reflects the changes in ecosystem properties between summer and winter. Environmental Microbiology 18: 288-301.

Genome Reference(s)