Info • Serpula lacrymans S7.3 v2.0


Serpula lacrymans S7.3 was sequenced using Roche 454 technology. v1.0 was assembled using Newbler. For v2.0, contigs from v1.0 were scaffolded using nucmer show-tiling against Serpula laccrymans S7.9

Genome Assembly: Serpula lacrymans S7.3 v2.0 Serpula lacrymans S7.3 v1.0 Serpula lacrymans S7.9
Sequencing platform 454 454 Sanger
Scaffold count 2128 6088 46
Contig count 6088 6088 434
Scaffolds (Mb) 47 Mb 42.9 Mb 42.4 Mb
Gaps (Mb) 12.4 0.0 MB 0.9 MB
Scaffold N/L50 7/2.7 Mb 247/45.5 Kb 6/2.9 Kb
Contig N/L50 143/86.6 Kb 247/45.5 Kb 62/228 Kb
Number of scaffolds > 50.0 Kb: 49 219 24
% in scaffolds > 50.0 Kb: 95.1 % 46.9 % 99.6 %

Annotation statistics table for three assemblies:

Genome Annotation: Serpula lacrymans S7.3 v2.0 Serpula lacrymans S7.3 v1.0 Serpula lacrymans S7.9
# gene models: 14495 16474 12917
Gene density (genes/Mb): 308 384 302
Ave.gene length (nt): 1501 1379 1600
Ave. protein length (aa): 322 295 339
Ave. exon/gene: 5.3 exons/gene 4.8 exons/gene 5.6 exons/gene
Ave. exon length (nt): 226 230 222
Ave. intron length (nt): 75 74 77
% complete gene models (with start and stop codons): 82% 79% 87%
% genes with homology support: 68% 63% 69%
% genes with Pfam domains: 49% 45% 52%


  • Daniel Eastwood,Warwick HRI, University of Warwick, Wellesbourne, UK.
  • Nils Hogberg, Department of Forest Mycology & Pathology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, UPPSALA, Sweden.
  • Olaf Schmidt, Department of Wood Biology, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.

Genome Reference(s)


This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy's Office of Science, Biological and Environmental Research Program, and by the University of California, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344, and Los Alamos National Laboratory under contract No. DE-AC02-06NA25396.