Serpula lacrymans is a brown rot fungus that selectively depolymerises the cellulose component of wood lignocellulose. Residues from fungal brown rot of wood compose most of the carbon sequestered in boreal forest soil. The species S.lacrymans evolved relatively recently from forest fungi, as the economically important 'dry rot' fungus of buildings, with powerful capacity for cellulolysis and mycelial colonization of coarse solid materials. It has potential for the biological conversion of lignocellulose feedstocks (e.g. raw woodchips, straw and other wastes) by releasing soluble oligosaccharides for bioethanol fermentation. Lignin residues can be used for pyrolysis/gasification for bioenergy, or other uses e.g. organic syntheses. S.lacrymans secondary metabolites include many natural products yet to be explored.
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Watkinson, S.C., Burton, K.S. & Wood, D.A. (2001) Characteristics of intracellular peptidase and proteinase activities from the mycelium of a cord-forming wood decay fungus, Serpula lacrymans Mycological Research (2001), 105, 698-704