Syncephalastrum is the only genus in the
Syncephalastraceae family in the order Mucorales.
Syncephalastrum can be isolated from soil and dung, plant
material and other organic substrates. Animal infections and
mycosis can also be a source of this fungus. It has been isolated
from the clinical specimens of New Orleans residents after the
Katrina and Rita hurricanes of 2005, the endophytic fungal
community of cacao, eyes of healthy horses, nests of laboratory
reared leaf cutter ants, poultry feed, and spices (Elshafie et al.,
2002; Rosa et al., 2003; Rubini et al., 2005; Labuda and
Tancinová, 2006; Rao et al., 2007; Rodrigues et al.,
Syncephalastrum racemosum has some biotechnology
applications as it been used to produce an aspartic proteinase
(Syncephapepsin) and both thermostable endoglucanase and
cellulose-free xylanase enzymes (Sapre et al., 2006; Wonganu et al,
2008). Chitosan from S. racemosum has been used to produce
a film used to immobilize lipase (Amorim et al., 2003) and the
fungus has been used to microbially modify cinobufagin to other
compounds several of which are cytoxic when tested against human
hepatoma cells (Ma et al., 2008). Mycotic infections caused by
S. racemosum, including mucormycosis and onychomycosis
(Pavlovic and Bulajic, 2006).
In Syncephalastrum, asexual reproduction
occurs through development of merosporangia (Figure 1), leading to
the production of sporangiospores. They also have a defined sexual
cycle and develop to form zygospores (Figure 2).
Genome sequence of S. racemosum will sample phylogenetic diversity
of one of the major families of the Mucorales order and support
data mining for novel enzymes in protease and carbohydrate active
Source: http://zygomycetes.org/index.php?id=50
Amorim, R.V.S., E.S. Melo, M.G. Carneiro-da-Cunha, W.M. Ledingham,
and G.M. Takos-Takaki. 2003. Chitosan from Syncephalastrum
racemosum used as a film support.for lipase immobilization.
Bioresource Technology 89: 35-39.
Benjamin, R.K., and B. Tucker. 1978. Syncephalastrum
racemosum, pp. 141-142. In: M.S. Fuller (Ed.). Lower fungi in
the laboratory. Palfrey Contributions in Botany. No. 1. Department
of Botany, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.
Elshafie, A.E., T.A. Al-Rashdi, S.N. Al-Bahry, and C.S. Bakheit.
2002. Fungi and aflotoxins associated with spices in the Sultanate
of Oman. Mycopathologia 155155-160.
Galgóczy, L., L. Kovács, K. Krizsán, T. Papp,
and C. Vágvölgyi. 2009. Inhibitory effects of cysteine
and cysteine derivatives on germination of sporangiospores and
hyphal growth of different Zygomycetes. Mycopathologia
Labuda, R., and D. Tancinová. 2006. Fungi recovered from
Slovakian poultry feed mixtures and their toxinogenity. Annals
of agricultural and environmental medicine 13:193-200.
Ma, X.-c., X.-l. Xin, K.-x. Liu, J. Han, and D.-a. Guo. 2008.
Microbial transformation of cinobufagin by Syncephalastrum
racemosum. Journal of Natural Products
Pavlovic, M.D., and N. Bulajic. 2006. Great toenail onychomycosis
caused by Syncephalastrum racemosum. Dermatology
Online Journal 12(1), 4 p.
Rao, C.Y., C. Kurukularatne, J.B. Garcia-Diaz, S.A. Kemmerly, D.
Reed, S.K. Fridken, and J. Morgan. 2007. Implications of detecting
the mold Syncephalastrum in clinical specimens of New
Orleans residents after hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Journal of
Occupational and Environmental Medicine 49:411-416.
Rodrigues, A., R.N. Cable, U.G. Mueller, M. Bacci Jr., and F.C.
Pagnocca. 2009. Antogonistic interactions between garden yeasts and
microfungal garden pathogens of leaf-cutting ants. Antonie van
Leeuwenhoek 96:311-342.
Rosa, M., L.M. Cardozzo, J.D.S. Pereira, D,E, Brooks, A.L.B.
Martins, P.S.S. Florido, and J.S.P. Strussi. 2003. Fungal flora of
normal eyes of healthy horse from the state of Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. Veterinary Ophthalmology 6:51-55.
Rubini, M.R., R.T. Silva-Ribeiro, A.W. Pomella, C.S. Maki, W.L.
Araújo, D.R. dos Santos, and J.L. Azevedo. 2005. Diversity
of endophytic fungal community of cacao (Theobroma cacao
L.) and biological control of Crinipellis perniciosa,
causal agent of Witches’ Broom Disease. International
Journal of Biological Sciences 1:24-33.
Sapre, M.P., H. Jha, and M.B. Patil. 2006. Purification and
characterization of a thermostabile-cellulose free xylanase from
Syncephalastrum racemosum. Journal of General and
Applied Microbiology 51:327-
Wonganu, B., K. Pootanakit, K. Boonyapakron, V. Champreda, S.
Tanapongpipat, and L. Eurwilaichiitr. 2008. Cloning, expression and
characterization of a thermotolerant endoglucanase from
Syncephalastrum racemosum (BCC18080) in Pichia
pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification
Genome Reference(s)
Mondo SJ, Dannebaum RO, Kuo RC, Louie KB, Bewick AJ, LaButti K, Haridas S, Kuo A, Salamov A, Ahrendt SR, Lau R, Bowen BP, Lipzen A, Sullivan W, Andreopoulos BB, Clum A, Lindquist E, Daum C, Northen TR, Kunde-Ramamoorthy G, Schmitz RJ, Gryganskyi A, Culley D, Magnuson J, James TY, O'Malley MA, Stajich JE, Spatafora JW, Visel A, Grigoriev IV
Widespread adenine N6-methylation of active genes in fungi.
Nat Genet. 2017 Jun;49(6):964-968. doi: 10.1038/ng.3859