Trichoderma longibrachiatum is a filamentous fungus that colonizes soil, decaying wood and/or plant matter in a variety of natural and cultivated environments. The fungus grows over a wide range of temperatures (25 - 37 °C), demonstrating optimal growth at 35° C. When grown on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) substrate, the typical mycelial culture is light olive-green in color, often with a diffuse yellow pigmentation. The conidia are green, smooth-walled and ellipsoid- to obovoid in shape. This fungus has been noted as a causal agent of invasive fungal infections in immunocompromised patients and in various mycoses. T. longibrachiatum produces many secondary metabolites including: peptaibols, polyketides, pyrones, terpenes, diketopiperazine-like compounds as well as trilongins. Furthermore, this species, along with T. reesei (Hypocrea jecorina) and T. citrinoviride, is considered as an important producer of cellulose degrading enzymes useful for industrial applications.