Xenopus tropicalis is a unique resource for two critical areas in vertebrate biology: early embryonic development and cell biology. In the former, Xenopus laevis has led the way in identifying the mechanisms of early fate decisions, patterning of the basic vertebrate body plan, and early organogenesis.
Contributions in cell biology and biochemistry include seminal work on chromosome replication, chromatin and nuclear assembly, control of the cell cycle components, in vitro reconstruction of cytoskeletal element dynamics, and signaling pathways. In fact, Xenopus has become a major vertebrate model for the cellular and developmental biology research that is supported by most of the Institutes of the NIH.
In March of 2002 the Joint Genome Institute convened a meeting at the Production Genomics Facility in Walnut Creek, California. Leading researchers in the Xenopus research community were invited to discuss the overall planning and strategies for sequencing the Xenopus tropicalis genome.
BAC Sequencing for the X. tropicalis Community The JGI has now closed the nominations for additional BAC sequencing. Please check the BAC sequencing status link for current sequence information. Individual BACs may be obtained from the BAC/PAC Resource Center at Children's Hospital Oakland Research Institute |
A Xenopus tropicalis genome project advisory board was set up to insure an accurate and timely exchange of information between the JGI and the research community.
X. tropicalis genome assembly 4.1 is the fourth in a series of preliminary assembly releases that are planned as part of the ongoing X. tropicalis genome project. To date, approximately 22.5 million paired end sequencing reads have been produced from libraries containing a range of insert sizes.
Our goal is to make the genome sequence of Xenopus widely and rapidly available to the scientific community. We endorse the principles for the distribution and use of large scale sequencing data adopted by the larger genome sequencing community and urge users of this data to follow them. It is our intention to publish the work of this project in a timely fashion and we welcome collaborative interaction on the project and analyses.
Genome Reference(s)
Hellsten U, Harland RM, Gilchrist MJ, Hendrix D, Jurka J, Kapitonov V, Ovcharenko I, Putnam NH, Shu S, Taher L, Blitz IL, Blumberg B, Dichmann DS, Dubchak I, Amaya E, Detter JC, Fletcher R, Gerhard DS, Goodstein D, Graves T, Grigoriev IV, Grimwood J, Kawashima T, Lindquist E, Lucas SM, Mead PE, Mitros T, Ogino H, Ohta Y, Poliakov AV, Pollet N, Robert J, Salamov A, Sater AK, Schmutz J, Terry A, Vize PD, Warren WC, Wells D, Wills A, Wilson RK, Zimmerman LB, Zorn AM, Grainger R, Grammer T, Khokha MK, Richardson PM, Rokhsar DS
The genome of the Western clawed frog Xenopus tropicalis.
Science. 2010 Apr 30;328(5978):633-6. doi: 10.1126/science.1183670