This genome was sequenced as part of the JGI CSP "1000
Fungal Genomes – Deep Sequencing of Ecologically-relevant
Dikarya" project. Within the framework of this project, we are
sequencing keystone lineages of saprophytic, mycorrhizal, and
endophytic fungi that are of special ecological importance. Dozens
of sequenced species were harvested from Long Term Observatories to
serve as the foundation for a reference database for metagenomics
of fungi and for a comprehensive survey of the soil fungal
Armillaria tabescens CCBAS
Members of the genus Armillaria belong to the
Physalacriaceae, a highly diverse family in the Agaricales
containing white rot wood decayers and devastating tree pathogens.
They cause shoestring root rot, which lead to significant losses in
forests, parks or vineyards, among others, mostly in the temperate
zone. The infection is usually characterized by the presence of
rhizomorphs and mycelial mats between the bark and cambium layer of
the host root. Rhizomorphs are shoestring-like multicellular
structures, which are analogous to plant roots in appearance and
forage for food by spreading inside the soil. Armillaria
spp. produce macroscopic fruiting bodies that are edible and known
as honey mushrooms. Many existing individuals of
Armillaria are believed to be the largest and oldest
terrestrial organisms known on earth.
We aim to sequence the genomes of several Armillaria
strains representing both aggressive pathogens and white-rot
saprotrophs. This will allow us to gain insights into the evolution
of pathogenicity and the mechanisms of interaction between
Armillaria and their host trees. It will further help
understanding the biology of these species, including their
strategies for host invasion, for wood decay, and the development
of rhizomorphs and fruiting bodies. We hope these resources will
open the door for developing efficient management strategies for
limiting the spread and damage to forest ecosystems.
Armillaria tabescens (Scop.), commonly known as the
Ringless Honey Mushroom, belongs to the Desarmillaria
subgenus which are characterized by stipes without a
ring1. A. tabescens is commonly found both in
North America and Europe and favors the more southerly regions of
both continents. They can act both as a saprobe and/or parasites of
hardwood trees, it is pathogenic towards Eucalyptus and
Quercus1,2 species and can affect other
hardwood trees as well. Usually found in growing clusters of many
mushrooms from one central mass of mycelium found just below the
ground at the base of the trees or near dead stumps.
The 1KFG project is a large collaborative effort aiming for master
publication(s). Please do contact the PI for 1KFG - Deep Sequencing
of Ecologically-relevant Dikarya (Dr. Francis Martin) for
permission prior to the use of any data in publications.
Genome Reference(s)
Sahu N, Indic B, Wong-Bajracharya J, Merényi Z, Ke HM, Ahrendt S, Monk TL, Kocsubé S, Drula E, Lipzen A, Bálint B, Henrissat B, Andreopoulos B, Martin FM, Bugge Harder C, Rigling D, Ford KL, Foster GD, Pangilinan J, Papanicolaou A, Barry K, LaButti K, Virágh M, Koriabine M, Yan M, Riley R, Champramary S, Plett KL, Grigoriev IV, Tsai IJ, Slot J, Sipos G, Plett J, Nagy LG
Vertical and horizontal gene transfer shaped plant colonization and biomass degradation in the fungal genus Armillaria.
Nat Microbiol. 2023 Aug 7;():. doi: 10.1038/s41564-023-01448-1
- Koch et. al., (2017). Resolved phylogeny and biogeography of the root pathogen Armillaria and its gasteroid relative, Guyanagaster. BMC Evolutionary Biology. 17(33):1-16
- Guillaumin et. al., (1993). Geographical distribution and ecology of the Armillaria species in western Europe. Eur J Forest Pathol. 23:321–41.