The extremophilic sooty mold Baudoinia compniacensis is
the prominent pioneering species in the primary successional
community known as “warehouse staining”, where darkly
pigmented microbes form dry biofilms on outdoor surfaces
periodically subjected to low level exposure to ethyl alcohol
vapour, such as those around distilleries, spirit maturation
facilities (“bond warehouses”) and commercial bakeries.
Pronounced blackening often extends considerable distances from
alcohol emission source, indiscriminately colonizing exposed
surfaces ranging from vegetation to built structures, sign posts
and fences (including those made from glass and stainless steel).
Mature colonies are crust-like and scorched in appearance,
sometimes reaching 1—2 cm in thickness.
Baudoinia compniacensis is world-wide in its distribution,
reported from most geographic localities where spirits are
manufactured and aged. In addition to ethanolic vapour, it requires
high relative humidity during at least some parts of the year to
support its colonization. Baudoinia compniacensis can
assimilate ethyl alcohol but not other simple alcohols; however,
the fungus relies on other more metabolically lucrative organic
materials including carbohydrates and proteins to satisfy its
carbon nutrition. Moreover, the role of ethanol in the colonization
biology of the fungus appears to be non-nutritional, facilitating
growth regulation by acting as a germination initiator (similar
effects have been observed in fungi that cause post-harvest
spoiling of ripe fruits). Ethanol exposure also stimulates the
expression of heat-protective proteins that protect cells against
high temperature (such as those that develop on roofing materials
and exterior walls subject to full sun exposure during
Microscopically, B. compniacensis is characterized by
thick-walled, rugulose, darkly-pigmented hyphae that disarticulate
to form irregularly globose to barrel-shaped conidia. Laboratory
cultures can be cultivated on a range of growth media, but develop
extremely slowly. A homothallic mating system appears to be present
but non-functional, consistent with the absence of a reported
teleomorph. Sequencing studies have shown Baudoinia to be
phylogenetic Teratosphaereaceae (Capnodiales: Dothideomycetes),
closely related to Friedmanniomyces, a genus of psychrophilic
lithobionts. Baudoinia compniacensis is unique in the
Capnodiales in its clear association with allogenic environmental
factors, particularly industrial processes. This feature, coupled
with its manifest lack of animal or plant pathogenicity make B.
compniacensis an interesting candidate for comparative genomic
Genome Reference(s)
Ohm RA, Feau N, Henrissat B, Schoch CL, Horwitz BA, Barry KW, Condon BJ, Copeland AC, Dhillon B, Glaser F, Hesse CN, Kosti I, LaButti K, Lindquist EA, Lucas S, Salamov AA, Bradshaw RE, Ciuffetti L, Hamelin RC, Kema GH, Lawrence C, Scott JA, Spatafora JW, Turgeon BG, de Wit PJ, Zhong S, Goodwin SB, Grigoriev IV
Diverse lifestyles and strategies of plant pathogenesis encoded in the genomes of eighteen Dothideomycetes fungi.
PLoS Pathog. 2012;8(12):e1003037. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003037