The vast majority of basidiomycetes are difficult to cultivate
in the laboratory. Coprinopsis cinerea is a notable
exception, in that it can complete its life cycle on artificial
media in just two weeks. Furthermore, development is
synchronous and regulated by light. Our goal is to compile a
complete inventory of genes that are under developmental control,
to understand “how to build a mushroom”, and also
provide a valuable point of comparison to fungi with alternative
life styles. The AmutBmut #326 strain provides a huge
technical advantage towards this goal. The mutations in the A
and B mating factors in this strain allow the production of
homokaryotic fruit bodies that derive from a single haploid
nucleus. Thus, alignment of RNA-seq data to the reference
genome is very straightforward. In addition, haploid AmutBmut
nuclei can be further mutagenized and desired mutants (including
recessive mutants) with defects in fruit body development
(including defects in the meiotic process) can be
identified. These strains can be mated to compatible
strains with conventional mating types, and if the new mutation is
recessive, the cross will result in the production of normal fruit
bodies. Then the new mutation can be recovered in the
conventional genetic background for backcrossing and
complementation analysis.
The C. cinerea genome is well-characterized, and both
forward and reverse genetic approaches are now standard, allowing
enormous scope for experimental manipulation in this
system. The availability of this second sequenced
strain will enable comparative studies of transposon stability,
including a family of DNA transposons that encode genes that
oxidize 5-methylcytosine and contribute to changing chromatin
dynamics and epigenetic marks during mushroom development and
meiosis. We anticipate that our findings will be highly
relevant to optimizing gene expression and stability in genetically
engineered basidiomycetes, information which is essential to the
fundamental goals of manipulating these systems to contribute to
DOE critical missions.
Genome Reference(s)
Muraguchi H, Umezawa K, Niikura M, Yoshida M, Kozaki T, Ishii K, Sakai K, Shimizu M, Nakahori K, Sakamoto Y, Choi C, Ngan CY, Lindquist E, Lipzen A, Tritt A, Haridas S, Barry K, Grigoriev IV, Pukkila PJ
Strand-Specific RNA-Seq Analyses of Fruiting Body Development in Coprinopsis cinerea.
PLoS One. 2015;10(10):e0141586. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0141586