Corynespora cassiicola (Berk.& M. A. Curtis) is a
plant pathogen. This ascomycete is responsible for the recent
emergence of threatening diseases in a large range of plants, in
tropical and subtropical areas. Important crops such as
rubber tree, soybean, tomato, cucumber, cacao, manioc and many
other fruit and ornamental plants are affected. Mostly known as a
necrotrophic plant pathogen, C. cassiicola was also
described as an endophyte or a saprobe. It was also reported in
C. cassiicola is one of the hundred Corynespora
species described so far. C. cassiicola and C.
smithi form an outgroup among the Pleosporales in the
phylogenetic tree of the Dothideomycetes, without clear
relationship to any other currently defined family.
An important diversity was evidenced within the C.
cassiicola species, both in terms of genetics and biology. A
small secreted protein named cassiicolin was described as an
important effector of rubber tree pathogenic isolates. The
cassiicolin gene polymorphism was concordant with the phylogenetic
structuration of C. cassiicola, suggesting that this small
secreted toxin plays an important role in the evolution of the
species. However, other pathogen effectors may be involved and the
mechanisms ruling pathogenicity and host specificity are still
poorly understood.
The analysis of C. cassiicola genome will allow a more
detailed investigation of the biology of the fungus in terms of
effectors, nutrition mode, reproduction, in order to better
understand it evolution and the genetic basis of disease
Corynespora cassiicola was contributed to the 1KFG project
by Francis Martin (INRA) and Valérie Pujade-Renaud (CIRAD).
As always, please contact the PIs associated with unpublished 1KFG
genomes for permission prior to the use of any data in
Genome Reference(s)
Lopez D, Ribeiro S, Label P, Fumanal B, Venisse JS, Kohler A, de Oliveira RR, Labutti K, Lipzen A, Lail K, Bauer D, Ohm RA, Barry KW, Spatafora J, Grigoriev IV, Martin FM, Pujade-Renaud V
Genome-Wide Analysis of Corynespora cassiicola Leaf Fall Disease Putative Effectors.
Front Microbiol. 2018;9():276. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2018.00276