Home • Decorospora gaudefroyi v1.0
Decorospora gaudefroyi ascospores surrounded by hyaline sheaths.
Decorospora gaudefroyi ascospores surrounded by hyaline sheaths.
Image credit: Jan Kohlmeyer (1984), reprinted with permission from NAMA (www.namyco.org).

Decorospora gaudefroyi Inderb., Kohlm. et Volkm.-Kohlm. is a marine ascomycete in the Pleosporaceae. The sequenced strain was collected in 1962 in Etang du Doul in southern France from Salicornia fruticosa (Kohlmeyer 1962), and deposited in the CBS culture collection by Jan Kohlmeyer as strain CBS 332.63. Decorospora gaudefroyi grows well in culture and readily decomposes balsa wood and tunicate mantles (Kohlmeyer 1962). These characteristics may prove useful for practical applications requiring the degradation of lignin and cellulose found in wood. Decorospora gaudefroyi is also salt tolerant and fruits on salt encrusted pilings. Understanding the mechanism of salt tolerance may assist in the development of salt tolerant crops in agriculture. Decorospora gaudefroyi is closely related to the economically important plant pathogens Alternaria, Cochliobolus, Pyrenophora and Setosphaeria, and will prove useful to study the origin of pathogenicity in these fungi.
Decorospora gaudefroyi is easy to identify by its ascospores that are surrounded by a sheath that is drawn out into 2-3 protrusions at each apex (see image). It has a wide distribution that includes temperate waters of Europe, North America and Argentina. It is not host specific and occurs on driftwood, pilings and a variety of marsh plants.






Genome Reference(s)