Home • Diaporthe ampelina UCDDA912
Diaporthe ampelina growing on PDA plate.
Diaporthe ampelina growing on PDA plate.
Photo credit: Daniel Lawrence
Wood canker caused by Diaporthe ampelina.
Wood canker caused by Diaporthe ampelina.
Photo credit: Renaud Travadon
Black elongated lesions caused by Diaporthe ampelina, characteristic symptoms of Phomopsis cane and leaf spot disease.
Black elongated lesions caused by Diaporthe ampelina, characteristic symptoms of Phomopsis cane and leaf spot disease.
Photo credit: Mizuho Nita

The genome of Diaporthe ampelina (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) was sequenced by the Department of Viticulture and Enology at University of California Davis (http://cantulab.github.com). The genome sequence and gene predictions were downloaded from NCBI on Sept 24, 2015. Please note that this copy of the genome is not maintained by NCBI and is therefore not automatically updated. JGI tools were used to add functional annotation to the gene models.

In grapevines D. ampelina causes two different diseases, Phomopsis cane & leaf spot and Phomopsis dieback. The latter is characterized by V- or irregular-shaped wood cankers in canes, spurs, cordons and/or trunk as well as general canopy symptoms of shoot dieback and dead spurs. During the development of Phomopsis cane and leaf spot, D. ampelina directly attacks all green tissues of the vine, causing necrotic lesions on the leaves, green stems, and fruit. The sequenced isolate (UCDDA912) was recovered from diseased grapevine wood in the upper trunk of a “ Seeded Thompson” vine sampled in the USDA-ARS National Germplasm Repository grapevine collection located in Winters, Solano Co., California, in May 2011.
NCBI WGS accession number: LCUC00000000



Genome Reference(s)