Photo credit: Daniel Lawrence

Photo credit: Renaud Travadon

Photo credit: Daniel Lawrence
The genome of Diplodia seriata was sequenced by the
Department of Viticulture and Enology at University of California
Davis (http://cantulab.github.com/).
The genome sequence and gene predictions were downloaded from NCBI
on Sept 24, 2015. Please note that this copy of the genome is not
maintained by NCBI and is therefore not automatically updated. JGI
tools were used to add functional annotation to the gene
The ascomycete D. seriata De Not., a member of the
Botryosphaeriaceae family, is a vascular pathogen that causes
Botryosphaeria dieback in grapevines. Botryosphaeria dieback is
characterized by wedged- or pie-shape cankers in spurs, cordons
and/or trunks, and/or dark streaking of the wood. Disease symptoms
caused by botryosphaeriaceous fungi include leaf spots, fruit rots,
shoot dieback, bud necrosis, vascular discoloration of the wood,
and perennial cankers. The sequenced isolate (UCDDS831) was
recovered from diseased grapevine wood sampled in Hollister, San
Benito Co., California, in June 2011.
NCBI WGS accession number: LAQI00000000
Genome Reference(s)
Morales-Cruz A, Amrine KC, Blanco-Ulate B, Lawrence DP, Travadon R, Rolshausen PE, Baumgartner K, Cantu D
Distinctive expansion of gene families associated with plant cell wall degradation, secondary metabolism, and nutrient uptake in the genomes of grapevine trunk pathogens.
BMC Genomics. 2015 Jun 19;16():469. doi: 10.1186/s12864-015-1624-z