Fibulobasidium inconspicuum on fallen branches of Quercus
As seen at the Mycological Herbarium at the University of British Comumbia.
As seen at the Mycological Herbarium at the University of British Comumbia.
Fibulobasidium inconspicuum is a fungus which was
described by Bandoni 1979. Fibulobasidium inconspicuum included in
the genus Fibulobasidium and family Sirobasidiaceae. The
name Fibulobasidium comes from a concatenation of the
latin 'fibula' meaning buckle or clasp, and 'basidium' refering to
the development of some basidia from clamp loops.
Basidiocarps of Fibulobasidium are gelatinous, pulvinate
and anastomosing. The hyphae are branched and show clamp
connections. Basidia are tremelloid and in chains. The structure of
the pores is not known. No subspecies are listed in the Catalogue
of Life.
Fibulobasidium inconspicuum was sequenced as part of the
1000 Fungal genomes
project - a project aimed at sequencing unsampled
fungal diversity.