Figure from Marvanova & Bandoni 1987. Reprinted with permission from Mycologia. (c)The Mycological Society of America.
Naiadella fluitans Marvanová & Bandoni is an aquatic fungus that was isolated from leaf litter in a freshwater habitat in Vancouver, Canada. Naiadella fluitans is a hyphal fungus that forms tremelloid haustorial cells, which are characteristic of some mycoparasitic fungi. Asexually produced conidia with long bristle-like appendices that are similar in appearance to those produced by other, unrelated, aquatically adapted fungi. The sexual stage of N. fluitans (= Classicula fluitans) occurs on the surface of water and is unusual in the formation of phragmobasidia with sterigmata that have characteristic subapical swellings.
Naiadella fluitans belongs to Classiculomycetes (Classiculales), a small class that at present contains only one other species, also aquatic. Genomic data produced for this project will represent the first available for a member of this class. Researchers will use these data in phylogenetic and phylogenomic reconstructions and in comparative genomics studies that seek to elucidate the molecular bases governing spore dispersal adaptations and the evolution of pathogenicity in Pucciniomycotina.
If you would like to use this genome in your research, please contact Dr. M. Catherine Aime ([email protected]) and Dr. Igor Grigoriev ([email protected]) for permission.
- Aime MC, Matheny PB, Henk DA, Frieders EM, Nilsson RH, Piepenbring M, McLaughlin DJ, Szabo LJ, Begerow D, Sampaio JP, Bauer R, Weiss M, Oberwinkler F, Hibbett DS. 2006. An overview of the higher level classification of Pucciniomycotina based on combined analyses of nuclear large and small subunit rDNA sequences. Mycologia 98: 895–905.
- Bauer R, Begerow D, Oberwinkler F, Marvanová L. 2003. Classicula: the teleomorph of Naiadella fluitans. Mycologia 95: 756–764.
- Marvanová L, Bandoni RJ. 1987. Naiadella fluitans gen. et sp. nov.: a conidial basidiomycete. Mycologia 79: 578–586.