This genome was sequenced by the Broad Institute.
Description of Nematocida parisii ERTm1 is quoted from Broad page.
Nematocida parisii is an intracellular pathogen of wild-caught C. elegans. Based on a phylogeny of the rDNA small subunit, N. parisii belongs to a clade that includes Nosema (Antonospora) locustae, a parasite of grasshoppers. We have sequenced three isolates of N. parisii (ERTm1, ERTm2, and ERTm3) isolated from environmentally distinct hosts. ERTm1 (ATCC PRA-289) was collected in 2004 from wild C. elegans found in a compost pile in Franconville, France. ERTm3 was collected in 2004 from wild C. elegans found in a rotting apple in a park in Santeuil, France. A third strain, ERTm2, is from a related species provisionally named Nematocida sp1; it was collected in 2008 from wild C. briggsae from the Periyar Nature Reserve in Kerala India.
Genome Reference(s)
Cuomo CA, Desjardins CA, Bakowski MA, Goldberg J, Ma AT, Becnel JJ, Didier ES, Fan L, Heiman DI, Levin JZ, Young S, Zeng Q, Troemel ER
Microsporidian genome analysis reveals evolutionary strategies for obligate intracellular growth.
Genome Res. 2012 Dec;22(12):2478-88. doi: 10.1101/gr.142802.112